Reflections on Trusting Trust, by Ken Thompson (3 pages)
Presents the perils of trusting software.
Putting Trust in Security Engineering, by Fred B. Schneider (3 pages)
Software should not only be secure. We should also have a reason to believe that the software is secure, before we can depend on it and use it. This piece proposes formal methods (FM) & programming language technology (PLT) as a means of establishing security & trustworthiness in software.
Language-Based Security (LBS)
A Language-Based Approach to Security, by Schneider, Morrisett, & Harper (14 pages)
Presents ways in which a software vendor can transfer trust in the correctness of the software they wrote, to a software consumer.
Information-Flow Control (IFC: enforcing app-specific security goals)
Language-Based Information-Flow Security, by Sabelfeld and Myers, Sections 1-2 (4 pages)
Introduction to Computer Security, by Matt Bishop, Chapter 15, 15.1-15.3, but skip, 15.2.4 (15 pages)
Programming in Paragon, by Delft, Broberg & Sands, Sections 1-4 (13 pages)
Further Reading
Bases for Trust in a Supply Chain, by Fred B. Schneider, Section "Distinct Bases for Trust" (2 pages)
a newer writeup on Bases of Trust, with more examples
A Note on the Confinement Problem, by Butler Lampson (3 pages)
Typed Assembly Language, talk by Stephanie Weirich (56:51)
original papers on static & dynamic enforcement for IFC (from the 70s)
Certification of Programs for Secure Information Flow, by Denning & Denning
Memoryless Subsystems, by Fenton
From dynamic to static and back […], by Sabelfeld and Russo, Sections 2-5 (note!) (4 pages)
note: This is much neater than Matt Bishop’s chapter. However, to fully appreciate this, you need some background in PLT (Semantics, Types, etc.). You get that in ch. 1-7 in Bob Harper’s book. That’s out-of-scope of AIS, though.
Most of the slides on information-flow control are made by David Sands and Andrei Sabelfeld, from Marktoberdorf 2015 and 2011. Most of the slides on Paragon are by Niclas Broberg and Bart van Delft.