In this assignment, we will put ourselves in the shoes of security engineers. The goal is to gain experience in expressing security requirements, and in engineering security into software. Notably, we detect, and fix, violations of security requirements.




  • server code

    • once the web server is running (i.e. when you see "starting web server" in the console output), you can access PayBud by navigating to http://localhost:5000 in your browser. we recommend using the chromium browser (it’s installed on Kali Linux); PayBud is bugged in FireFox (last we checked).

    • the database which stores users and accounts is initially empty. Before attempting to log in (or hack a user account), make sure that said user account exists (i.e. create it first).

    • if you want PayBud to be able to send e-mails, then create a gmail account (leaving optional fields blank), enable less secure apps on the account, and replace the hard-coded credentials in with the credentials of this new account. if you want PayBud users to receive e-mails, consider using Mailinator. For instance, all e-mail sent to will end up in the alice "Public Mailinator Inbox" (which you, and anyone, can view here).

  • dictionary attack

    • we use patator to perform dictionary attacks. it is a great tool. unfortunately, (at the time of writing,) there is a bug in one of the libraries patator in Kali uses. to fix it, download patator-patch and, in the directory where you saved it, run

      $ sudo patch /usr/bin/python patator-patch

      (note that this is a quick and dirty fix; if the library maintainer fixes this, and you do a apt upgrade, you might get errors, in which case you’ll need to undo this change first.)

    • if you want to dictionary attack PayBud, modify the following command accordingly (see exercise sessions on how to obtain pw.lst. pick a password from pw.lst, e.g. " nightshade " w/o quotes).

      $ PYTHONWARNINGS=ignore patator http_fuzz url="http://localhost:5000/api/login?" 0=pw.lst -x ignore:code=401
  • spotbugs